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Bushcraft Revival

Fourth Man Ministries was birthed in the heart of The Bushcraft Revival, held at Campcraft Outdoors in June 2024. Hundreds gathered to seek an encounter with Jesus Christ. Souls were saved, hearts were transformed, and a fresh calling was placed upon the hearts of many in attendance looking for the next step. Within a short time, the Holy Spirit began to move, confirming the subsequent work through the hearts and minds of dozens, giving apostolic overseer Jason Hunt the vision that would catapult the ministry to action.


This is found in Daniel 3:25. As the three men were thrown into Nebuchadnezzar's fiery furnace, a fourth man appeared amidst the flames. In a time of absolute desperation, fear, and panic, the fourth man provided comfort, edification, and hope as he protected the three men in the furnace to such a degree that the fire could not even be smelled upon them. This ministry seeks to equip men and women who will arise as the fourth man to protect, edify, and comfort others in times of crisis. As a training ministry, provide fellowship and training for ministers and churches seeking to put the Gospel to ACTION!


FREE: Survival in the Garden of Eden

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Associated Ministries

These partners operate within the family of ministries associated with Fourth Man.

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One22 Revival Center

Ministerial Fellowship and International Missions.

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Bible training institute offering certificate, diploma, and degree programs in ministerial subjects


Preppers Pantry

Church-based food security programs for thriving congregations


Outdoor Ministry Schools & Fellowships

Statement of Faith


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